Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Poor 'Baby Grace' (Riley)

This is my rant for today....

Every once in a while you'll see a story in the news that makes you physically ill. Myself, I usually just wish horrible pain on the people who perpetrate such things on others. Any thing that is done to hurt a child should be dealt with in medieval ways, IMO. If you abuse children in anyway, you should die a slow, horribly painful death. So to the "parents" of that little girl in Texas, F*** U, die slow! Our justice system is so screwed up though, they'll get a trial, maybe counseling, maybe some jail time in the end. But they still might some day walk the streets again, which is unconscionable. I'm not for anarchy or mob rule, but sometimes that would be more just. Drag 'em through the streets bleeding and beaten along the way by the good citizens of this nation. Stone them to death, I don't care. Either way, on this earth they'll never get what they deserve. I'd like to believe there is a special place in hell for people like that. RIP little one.


Anonymous said...

I'm in the prime of my life but it feels like its about to end

Unknown said...

This story has saddened me from Day One. I still cannot believe that there are monsters out there like this that could hurt a defenseless and innocent child. All I can say is, give me 10 minutes with these people and the same instruments that they used on Riley. I'm sure I can definitely make them see the errors of there way...

RIP Riley Sawyer.

Anonymous said...

To top it off, she's pregant again. Luckily the state of Texas does have capital punishment, the death penalty. Too bad there are people who are trying to defend f***ers like them.

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