Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Changing Blogger Templates

This one's for John who recently asked about this. Take a look everyone!

There is an easy way to change templates, but it depends on what you want to do on how complex it gets.

The easiest way to change templates is to use Bloggers templates. On your Dashboard just go to Template--> Pick a New Template.

If you want to change templates using one you've found somewhere else online then go to Template --> Edit HTML --> Backup / Restore Template section and click upload. You'll want to backup your current template first though. Also, finding a template is not that hard, just Google something like 'Blogger Template' and you'll find an endless amount.

As far as editing a template, well that's not that difficult, but you need to know HTML and at least understand CSS and XHTML. This is also on the Edit HTML tab of your dashboard.

*One last important note-
make absolutely sure you've backed up your old template. If you change templates, your widgets will disappear. You'll need some way to restore those afterwards if you have a lot of them.


John said...

Very helpful, thanks.


Anonymous said...

i'm gonna make my own site about it

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